Extraction of entities from unstructured Commercial Insurance Documents- leveraging NER and GenAI algorithms

You might be aware that in the vast sea of insurance documents, approximately 80% of valuable information is hidden within unstructured text. Imagine both the time and resources that insurance companies spend sifting through policies, claims, and customer correspondence, searching for details like policy numbers, claim details, and beneficiary information. There is additional complexity with […]

I can’t wait for Blueprint 2…

With the Insurer and Insurance Insider reporting on 22nd March of another delay to Blueprint 2 (Phase 1 moving to Q4 ’24) this blog now seems rather prophetic. The choices are becoming more stark; wait for the much needed market transformation that’s been delayed or start delivering benefits to your counter-parties now, and be better […]

Innovating with Empathy- driving AI adoption through user-centricity

“We really expected a lot more with all the promise from the software—not sure where we failed.” I attended a round-table where multiple executives were discussing their technology deployments and none were too pleased. In a few cases, these software deployments were underutilized, while in others the journey to the promised land, seemed always a […]

Amplifying Commercial Insurance Productivity Tenfold via Generative AI and IDP

Insurance companies need to keep pace and adopt emerging technologies to innovate, staying behind the curve is not an option. This is why the convergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is on track to completely transform the way commercial insurance processes operate, offering the potential to boost throughput by an […]

Why Commercial Insurance Companies are Drowning in Documents

Paperwork – it is a term that sends shivers down the spine of many professionals, particularly those working in the commercial insurance sector. Often viewed as a necessary inconvenience and despite living in an increasingly digital world, insurance companies appear to be sinking in a sea of documents. But why is this the case? In […]

Taming the Paper Juggernaut: Managing Document Complexity in Commercial Insurance

Every day Brokers and Carriers produce, read, interpret, and process a complex myriad of documentation including policy documents loss run reports, binders, quotes, financial statements, and more. And for all the talk about automation and streamlining workflows, the vast majority of these documents are still being processed manually. Managing this and taming this paper juggernaut […]

AI-Powered Intelligent Document Processing: Reshaping the Commercial Insurance Industry

Introduction The rapid evolution in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in handling unstructured content, is poised to reshape the commercial insurance sector. While the industry’s business requirements remain unchanged, the way they are handled is set for a paradigm shift. Commercial brokers manage vast amounts of client information that turns into millions of policy documents, encompassing […]

Revolutionizing Garnishments and Levy Processes: How AntWorks’ CMR+ Delivers Unprecedented Value

In today’s challenging financial landscape, borrowers are facing increased pressure due to factors like rising interest rates, inflation, and taxes. This has led to a surge in mortgage, consumer, and credit card delinquencies, as well as tax payment issues. Financial institutions, insurance companies, and businesses across various sectors are grappling with these challenges. How they […]

Leveraging LLMs to enrich IDP Platforms- the AntWorks approach

It has become quite clichéd in articles around Generative AI to use the technology to write out the first few paragraphs to marvel on the verisimilitude achieved. So, I decided to use the same technology to write up a disclaimer, and claim back authorship rights for humanity! “An oath to LLMs, I hereby declare,That this […]

AI – Opportunity and Danger

As we entrust machines with more responsibilities, the act of compiling accurate and organized data, coupled with our subjective interpretation, becomes a habitual practice that exposes the possibility of concealed misdirection.