Really Intelligent Document Processing

Gen AI Powered Low Code IDP Platform

What do our customers achieve from CMR+

Business Benefits

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency

CMR+ streamlines workflows, eliminates manual data entry, and frees up employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

Scalability and Growth

CMR+ can handle increasing document volumes and adapt to evolving business needs, supporting organizational growth.

Compliance and Security​

CMR+ ensures data privacy, adheres to regulatory requirements, and provides audit trails for document processing activities.

Time and Cost Savings

CMR+ automates manual document processing tasks, reducing human error and saving valuable time and resources.

Improved Confidence in Accuracy

CMR+'s advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities enhance data extraction accuracy, minimizing the risk of errors and improving overall data quality.

The CMR Process Flow

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Integrations and Connectors

Success Stories

Our customers have spoken on
Gartner® Peer Insights™

AntWorks CMR+ Intelligent Document Process with Gartner

Intelligent Document Processing

Gartner Score
“ Using CMR+ creates value-added work for skilled workers. A lot of the manual back and forth, such as emailing Excel files and PDFs, is now gone… leaving more time for employees to tackle jobs that demand more skill. ”

Rick Koo

Digital Technology Leader, Mercer

Mentioned in the 2022 Gartner®
Market Guide for Intelligent
Document Processing Solutions*

Challenger in Document Oriented
Text Analytics Platforms Wave
2020 & 2022

Major Contender in Everest
Group® IDP PEAK Matrix 2023

Leader for the Second Year in a
Row in ISG’s IDP Provider Lens™


Release Notes

You can now stay updated with all the latest features and enhancements in AntWorks CMR+ through our release notes. Simply click the link below to access the comprehensive overview of our recent updates. Stay informed and make the most of our cutting-edge technology by exploring the release notes today!

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The CMR Process

Input Sources & Document Types

  • Auto Ingestion
  • Image
  • Jpeg, TIFF, PDF
  • MS Word
  • RPA
  • DMS

Document Optimisation & Indexing

  • Noise Reduction
  • Orientation/Skew Correction
  • Background suppression
  • Classification & Indexing


  • Structured
  • Un-structured
  • Natural Language
  • Handwritten


  • Business Rules
  • Look ups
  • API

Human in the Loop

  • Verification
  • Training
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Machine Learning

Reports & Analytics

Workflow Management

Queue, exeption
& approval management


Data Transport & Mobilisation

RPA, APIs & Micro-services


Client Systems

Training as a part of the workflow

CMR+ integrates training as a part of the workflow, allowing the ML models to learn and improve as it processes more and more documents. By incorporating feedback, corrections, and iterative learning, the models continually refine their algorithms and enhance their accuracy. This capability ensures that CMR+ provides increasingly accurate and efficient document processing results over time, aligning closely with your organization’s specific needs and evolving document patterns.

Training as a part of the workflow

CMR+ integrates training as a part of the workflow, allowing the ML models to learn and improve as it processes more and more documents. By incorporating feedback, corrections, and iterative learning, the models continually refine their algorithms and enhance their accuracy. This capability ensures that CMR+ provides increasingly accurate and efficient document processing results over time, aligning closely with your organization’s specific needs and evolving document patterns.
CMR+ offers the capability to incorporate training as part of the workflow, allowing the machine learning (ML) models to continuously learn and improve as they process more and more documents.

The training component of CMR+ enables you to provide feedback and corrections to the ML models based on the results of document processing. This feedback loop helps the models identify and correct any errors or inaccuracies in the extracted data, classifications, or predictions. By incorporating training into the workflow, the ML models can learn from these corrections and adjust their algorithms accordingly, leading to improved accuracy and performance over time.

The process of training the ML models within CMR+ is typically straightforward and user-friendly. When discrepancies or errors are identified and flagged during document processing, citizen developers can provide the correct information or annotations. The platform then leverages this feedback to refine the underlying ML models, updating their knowledge and enhancing their ability to accurately process similar documents in the future.

Additionally, CMR+ employs advanced techniques such as active learning, which optimizes the training process by intelligently selecting specific documents for human review. By focusing training efforts on the most challenging or uncertain cases, the ML models can learn more effectively and efficiently, saving time and resources while improving performance.
Furthermore, the training component can be integrated into an iterative workflow, where the ML models are continuously retrained as new labeled data becomes available. This ongoing learning approach ensures that the models stay up-to-date with evolving document patterns, industry-specific terminology, or changes in document formats. As a result, the performance and accuracy of the models steadily improve with each iteration.

The training-as-part-of-workflow capability in CMR+ offers several advantages. It enables the ML models to adapt and learn from real-world scenarios, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement. This iterative learning process ultimately enhances the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of the document processing workflows, ensuring that the models align closely with the specific requirements and nuances of your organization.

Citizen Developer

CMR+ empowers non-technical users to streamline and automate document-centric processes with ease. By leveraging low-code, no-code capabilities, you can achieve faster implementation, greater customization, improved collaboration, and long-term scalability, ultimately driving efficiency and productivity across your organization.

With Low code no code as a core principle CMR+ allows business users to efficiently onboard new business or improve the efficiency of ongoing process with ease, without the requirement for dedicated development resources..
Our approach empowers business users to design and customize their own document processing workflows, eliminating the reliance on IT departments or software developers.

Business users will have the ability to quickly build and deploy document processing solutions using a visual, intuitive interface. This not only saves time and resources but also enables faster implementation and iteration of solutions.
Furthermore, CMR+ provides a wide range of pre-built components. These components serve as building blocks that can be easily configured and combined to create sophisticated document processing workflows. You can leverage these resources to automate data extraction, classification, validation, and integration with other systems in your enterprise, all without writing extensive code.

The Specially designed interface enhances collaboration within your organization. Role based access control allows for multiple levels of users that can be customized as per the needs of the organization. Multiple stakeholders, including business users and subject matter experts, can actively participate in the design and optimization of document processing workflows. This collaborative approach fosters agility, innovation, and a deeper understanding of the processes involved.

CMR+ offers a high level of scalability and flexibility. As your document processing needs evolve, you can easily modify and scale your workflows without disrupting existing operations. This adaptability ensures that CMR+ remains future-proof and capable of accommodating changing business requirements.

Gen AI/ LLM Integration

CMR+’s generative AI and LLM capabilities empower you to automate content generation, extract valuable insights, enhance document completion, and perform advanced natural language processing tasks. By leveraging these capabilities, you can streamline your document-related workflows, improve decision-making processes, and achieve greater efficiency in handling textual data.Integrations with LLMs, both private and public, allow for quick implementations of complex use cases including summarizations, complex data extraction and advanced natural language processing tasks.

Analyst bench allow the user to have analytical conversations with the document giving access insights and understanding to enable better decision-making.

By harnessing generative AI and LLM, CMR+ can automatically generate high-quality content, such as summaries, abstracts, or responses, based on the information contained within documents. This eliminates the need for manual content creation, saving time and effort while improving accuracy and consistency.

The generative AI capabilities also enable CMR+ to understand and interpret complex language structures, allowing it to extract key insights, sentiments, or trends from documents. This advanced understanding of textual data empowers you to gain deeper insights and make data-driven decisions more efficiently.

Moreover, CMR+ can assist in document completion and generation. Whether you need to draft contracts, reports, or other types of documents, the generative AI and LLM capabilities can generate suggestions, auto-complete sentences, or provide contextual recommendations. This significantly speeds up the document creation process, reduces errors, and enhances overall user productivity.

In addition to document generation, CMR+ can perform advanced natural language processing tasks, including language translation, sentiment analysis, and entity recognition. These capabilities enable you to process multilingual documents, gauge customer sentiment, identify important entities, and extract relevant information for further analysis.
Furthermore, the generative AI and LLM capabilities of CMR+ are continuously improving. As the underlying models are trained on vast amounts of data, they become more accurate, adaptive, and capable of understanding various document types, languages, and industry-specific terminology.

Auto QC for higher productivity

CMR+ provides a customizable confidence score feature where Users can customize confidence scores and define quality control criteria, striking the right balance between automation and human oversight. By automating the verification process, users can streamline operations, reduce manual effort, and achieve greater productivity in document processing workflows.

CMR+ offers an Auto Quality Control (QC) feature that enhances productivity by automating the verification process and allowing users to customize confidence scores.

With Auto QC, CMR+ automatically assesses the accuracy and reliability of the processed documents based on predefined criteria. This eliminates the need for manual, time-consuming document reviews, resulting in higher productivity and faster turnaround times.
One key aspect of our Auto QC feature is the ability to customize confidence scores. Confidence scores are assigned to the extracted data, classifications, or predictions made by the ML models during document processing. Users can define confidence score thresholds that determine the level of confidence required for the system to automatically accept or flag the results.

By customizing confidence scores, users can establish quality control thresholds that align with their specific requirements and desired level of accuracy. For instance, if a user sets a high confidence score threshold, only the most accurate and reliable results will be automatically accepted, while results falling below the threshold will be flagged for manual review. This customization enables users to strike the right balance between automation and human oversight, optimizing productivity and maintaining control over the verification process.

Furthermore, CMR+ provides flexibility in defining quality control criteria beyond confidence scores. Users can establish additional validation rules or conditions based on specific data patterns, business rules, or regulatory requirements. These rules can be incorporated into the Auto QC process, ensuring that the processed documents meet the necessary criteria for accuracy, compliance, or other relevant factors.

The Auto QC feature is designed to be user-friendly and adaptable. Users can easily configure and fine-tune the quality control settings based on their evolving needs. Additionally, the platform provides real-time feedback and monitoring capabilities, allowing users to track the quality control results and make adjustments as necessary.

By leveraging the Auto QC feature in CMR+, users can achieve higher productivity by automating the verification process. The ability to customize confidence scores and define quality control criteria ensures that the document processing workflows align with their specific accuracy requirements and compliance standards. Ultimately, this leads to improved efficiency, reduced manual effort, and enhanced productivity in document processing tasks.

Extension in the form of SDK framework

CMR+’s SDK framework empowers power programmers to leverage the full potential of CMR+. It provides a comprehensive set of tools, libraries, and APIs that enable seamless integration and customization. With our SDK, power programmers can unlock the advanced document processing capabilities, build custom applications, and create tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements, all while enjoying the benefits of our robust platform infrastructure.

CMR+ offers a comprehensive SDK (Software Development Kit) framework tailored to empower power programmers with extensive capabilities for document automation.
Our SDK framework provides a powerful set of tools, libraries, and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that enable power programmers to integrate our document processing functionality seamlessly into their existing software solutions or develop custom applications from scratch. This level of flexibility allows programmers to leverage CMR+’s advanced features while maintaining control over the development process.

With the SDK, power programmers can access and utilize the core functionalities of CMR+ programmatically. This includes the ability to extract data from documents, classify documents based on predefined criteria, perform advanced document analysis, and generate structured outputs.
Our SDK offers robust documentation, code samples, and developer-friendly resources to facilitate quick and efficient integration. The well-documented APIs and libraries provide a clear understanding of the available methods and parameters, ensuring a smooth development experience for power programmers.

Additionally, the SDK framework is designed to be highly customizable and extensible. Power programmers can tailor the document processing workflows to their specific requirements and business logic, making it ideal for building complex document automation solutions. The SDK supports integration with .NET, allowing programmers to work with the preferred development environment.

Moreover, our SDK framework is regularly updated and maintained, ensuring compatibility with the latest technological advancements and industry standards. This provides power programmers with access to cutting-edge features, improvements, and security updates, ensuring the longevity and reliability of their applications.

Scalable enterprise solution drives high volume

CMR+ is purpose-built to handle high volumes of document processing. It leverages advanced distributed computing technologies, intelligent load balancing, and cloud infrastructure to ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and scalability. With CMR+, you can confidently process large quantities of documents, meet demanding processing requirements, and drive productivity within your organization.

CMR+ is specifically designed to handle high volumes of document processing, offering a robust platform that can efficiently manage and process large quantities of documents.
One of the key advantages of CMR+ is its scalability. As your document processing needs grow, CMR+ can seamlessly scale to accommodate the increasing volume of documents. Whether you’re dealing with thousands, millions, or even billions of documents, CMR+ can handle the load without compromising performance or efficiency. This scalability ensures that your document processing workflows can keep pace with your organization’s growth and evolving demands.

CMR+ utilizes advanced distributed computing technologies, allowing for parallel processing and distributed workload management. This means that document processing tasks can be distributed across multiple servers or processing nodes, enabling faster and more efficient execution. By leveraging the power of parallel processing, CMR+ significantly reduces processing times, enabling you to process high volumes of documents within tight deadlines.

Furthermore, CMR+ incorporates intelligent load balancing mechanisms. These mechanisms ensure that the document processing workload is evenly distributed across available resources, preventing bottlenecks and maximizing throughput. As a result, you can achieve optimal performance and efficiency, even during peak processing periods.

To enhance scalability and performance, CMR+ is designed to leverage cloud computing resources. By harnessing the power of cloud infrastructure, we can dynamically allocate computing resources based on demand, ensuring that you have the necessary processing power and storage capacity to handle high volumes of documents effectively. This cloud-based approach also provides flexibility, cost-efficiency, and easy access to the solution from anywhere, facilitating seamless integration into your existing infrastructure.

Additionally, CMR+ offers robust monitoring and reporting capabilities. You can gain real-time insights into the document processing workflows, track processing times, identify potential bottlenecks, and monitor system performance. This visibility enables you to optimize and fine-tune your processes, ensuring maximum efficiency and throughput.

Integration with 3rd party platforms

CMR+ offers seamless integration capabilities with third-party platforms, allowing you to leverage its functionalities within your existing software ecosystem. With our integration options, you can incorporate document processing capabilities into your workflows, automate data exchange, and create a unified solution that enhances productivity and streamlines processes across platforms.

CMR+ offers seamless integration capabilities with third-party platforms, enabling you to leverage the power of CMR+ within your existing software ecosystem.
With our integration capabilities, you can easily connect CMR+ with popular third-party applications, systems, and services. This includes but is not limited to customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, content management systems (CMS), workflow management tools and Case Management like Pega, and more. By integrating with these platforms, you can incorporate document processing functionalities directly into your established workflows, enhancing productivity and streamlining processes.

CMR+ provides a range of integration options to suit different needs. This includes APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), webhooks, SDKs (Software Development Kits), and pre-built connectors. These integration tools allow for bi-directional data exchange, enabling you to send documents for processing, retrieve processed data, and seamlessly integrate document processing capabilities into your existing applications or services.

The integration process is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. We provide comprehensive documentation, code samples, and developer resources to facilitate smooth integration with third-party platforms. Additionally, our technical support team is available to assist you throughout the integration process, ensuring a successful and hassle-free integration experience.

By integrating CMR+ with third-party platforms, you can achieve a unified and centralized document processing solution. This means that you can leverage the strengths of both platforms and create a seamless workflow that spans across systems. For example, you can automatically extract data from documents using CMR+ and directly populate it into your CRM or ERP system, eliminating manual data entry and improving data accuracy.

Moreover, our integration capabilities allow for customization and flexibility. You can tailor the integration to suit your specific requirements, mapping data fields, configuring workflows, and integrating with specific modules or functionalities of the third-party platforms. This level of customization ensures that the integration seamlessly fits into your unique business processes.

Multi-format ingestion

CMR+ excels in multi-format ingestion, accommodating various datatypes, filetypes, languages, and industries. With support for checkboxes, barcodes, diverse file formats, multiple languages, and industry-specific use cases, CMR+ offers the versatility and flexibility needed to process and extract data from a wide range of documents. This ensures that CMR+ is well-suited for diverse organizations and their document processing requirements.

CMR+ can process a wide range of data types within a single platform. We support diverse datatypes, filetypes, languages, and industries, making CMR+ highly versatile and capable of handling various use cases.

When it comes to datatypes, CMR+ supports a comprehensive set of data inputs. This includes traditional text-based inputs, such as checkboxes and barcodes, which can be seamlessly processed and extracted by CMR+. By accommodating these diverse datatypes, we ensure that you can capture and utilize data from a variety of sources, enhancing the flexibility and applicability of CMR+.

In terms of filetypes, CMR+ boasts extensive compatibility. Whether you’re dealing with common file formats such as PDF, Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), or image files (JPEG, PNG), CMR+ can efficiently process and extract data from these files. Additionally, CMR+ supports more specialized file formats, including scanned documents (in image or PDF format), allowing for comprehensive coverage across various document types.

Language diversity is another area where CMR+ excels. We support a wide range of languages that use the Latin script, including but not limited to English, Spanish, French, German, etc and are building Japanese capabilities. This multilingual capability enables you to process documents in different languages without the need for separate solutions or language-specific configurations. CMR+ utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques to ensure accurate extraction and understanding of textual data across diverse languages.

Moreover, CMR+ is designed to cater to multiple industries and use cases. Whether you’re in finance, healthcare, legal, insurance, or any other industry, CMR+ is flexible and adaptable to meet your specific needs. The platform can handle industry-specific document formats, extract relevant data fields, and integrate with industry-specific systems or workflows. This versatility allows us to serve a wide range of use cases, from invoice processing and contract management to banking risk analysis and policy management automation.